(back row l-r: Michael, Matt, Sarah, Justin, Austin; middle: Lynn, Laredis, Siri, Joseph; front: Angela, Elissa, Steven, me; floor: Donny)
On Friday night our UET class of 2010 celebrated Christmas by doing secret santa! We started this little tradition last year by going to Justin's house (he lives in Evansville and has a very nice house for hosting get togethers) and eating lots of food and swapping presents. Well this year we did not have all of our class there since half of them have been gone for the semester abroad, alas the show went on! We had a good time and made several videos to Christmas songs. I would post them on here, but I'm not sure how to get videos from Facebook to blogger . . .Just trust me that they were hilarious! The videos started by singing along to Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You." A couple of the girls decided to dance around and sing it to a bunch of people in the room. And the second video was to "Santa Baby" by the Pussycat Dolls. Well, at this point Michael, the guy filiming, decided he was going to be a great director and started off the video all artsy on a candle and panned up to all of the girls sitting on the couch singing along, and then Donny came down the stairs and we all proceeded to seduce him. What a Christmas! The best part of the night, other than the delicious food, was trading secret santa gifts.
Here is me giving my gift to Steven (I tie dyed him a shirt, a hat, and some socks):
And here is his reaction to getting the gift (i love this photo!!):
The next Christmas party was on Saturday. It is the annual UET Christmas party where everyone gets all prettied up and dances to Christmas music! It's a ton of fun!
I got all prettied up:
Before the party Sarah, Angela, Leslie and I went out to dinner at Olive Garden in our Semi-Formal gear. That was pretty awesome.
Here's a picture of me and Sarah:
We're pretty hot, we know. And we decided to make these faces all night really, or at least according to most of the pictures taken we did . . .
Here is a picture of Sarah, Leslie, Me, and Angela before the party:
Once we got there I had to have a picture with my theatre family (everyone in theatre is in a family where the parents are members of the theatre society and give us fun things for different occasions. It's fun). That's my brother, Daniel, and my sister, Sarah:
ANd I did dance a bit. Dancing to Christmas music is such fun!
That would be Elissa and I dancing the night away. We're so pretty! All in all, Christmas party is really the most fun party of the year because you get to see everyone in their fancy clothes and just having a good time. Oh, and there are tasty treats as well, such as Fererro rocher and chips and tasty dip! Anyway, that's all for now. Wish me luck on my last final and packing for home! ah!
9 years ago
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